Serenity Lane - Portland
Drug Treatment Centers, Alcohol Treatment Centers
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers: Serenity Lane in Oregon and Washington, is rated one of America's top 100 programs for alcoholism and drug abuse.
A private, not-for-profit, family-oriented treatment center for alcoholism and drug abuse.
Offering inpatient, residential and outpatient services. Intervention, assessments, family programs and recovery support offered.
Serenity Lane has 10 facilities throughout Oregon and Washington: Eugene, Portland, Salem, Albany, Bend, Roseburg, and Vancouver.
Barbur-Pacific Building
10920 SW Barbur Blvd
Portland OR 97219
Tel: 503 244-4500
Portland East
12780 SE Stark St #B
Portland OR 97233
Tel: 503 244-4500
Portland West
167 East Business Park
1800 NW 167th Pl #115
Beaverton OR 97006
Tel: 503 244-4500
Outpatient Treatment incorporates individualized treatment with flexible scheduling to accommodate various employment schedules, i.e. you live at home, and don't need to miss work. Outpatient treatment is effective, confidential and affordable.
Significant features of Outpatient Treatment in Portland include:
* Free initial consultation
* Daytime & Evening programs
* Education sessions
* Group and individual counseling
* Recovery Support for up to 96 weeks
* Family Program
* DUII Services
* State licensed programs
* Employer/EAP services
* 12-Step participation
DUII Services:
Serenity Lane's Portland facility is able to provide treatment services that meet both Oregon State DUII requirements and Washington State Deferred Prosecution requirements. Additionally, Serenity Lane can work with you to resolve outstanding DUII's in any state. Please be sure to inform your counselor or the Clinic Coordinator of any outstanding DUII's.
Benefits of Outpatient Treatment when recommended:
* Patients begin recovery while they stay on the job
* Costs are partially covered by most health insurance plans
* Treatment for addiction, plus related health & social issues
* Opportunity for the entire family to begin a healing process
* No additional cost for weekly family program
* Recovery Support for up to 18 months
We also offer:
* Special trainings for business and industry.
* Consultation and referral to community agencies when appropriate.
* Alumni activities.
* Patient Monitoring Program:
Through our unique "Blue Flag System" we are able to provide monitoring services for patients who are required to do treatment due to legal, occupational or other circumstances. With your written permission we will maintain monthly correspondence with your monitor, keeping them informed of treatment recommendations and treatment compliance.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program OVERVIEW
Portland's Intensive Outpatient Program consists of ten weeks of group therapy, individual counseling and education about the disease of addiction. Treatment groups meet three times per week, on a variety of days and times, so just about any work schedule can be accommodated. No groups are held on Fridays. The family support group meets weekly for three hours.
Recovery Support is provided weekly for 1 1/2 hours. The Recovery Support Program provides support for identifying and managing stressful life events and to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of early recovery.
Recovery is one day at a time. It involves a personal daily recovery program which is developed by you and your counselors.
