Serenity Lane - Eugene
Drug Treatment Centers, Alcohol Treatment Centers
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers: Serenity Lane in Oregon and Washington, is rated one of America's top 100 programs for alcoholism and drug abuse.
A private, not-for-profit, family-oriented treatment center for alcoholism and drug abuse.
Offering inpatient, residential and outpatient services. Intervention, assessments, family programs and recovery support offered.
Serenity Lane has 10 facilities throughout Oregon and Washington: Eugene, Portland, Salem, Albany, Bend, Roseburg, and Vancouver.
Serenity Lane
616 E 16th Ave
Eugene OR 97401
Tel: 541 687-1110
Serenity Lane
New Hope Program (for OHP & DUII clients):
2133 Centennial Plaza
Eugene OR 97401
Tel: 541 485-1577
Outpatient Treatment incorporates individualized treatment with flexible scheduling to accommodate various employment schedules, i.e. you live at home, and don't need to miss work. Outpatient treatment is effective, confidential and affordable.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program OVERVIEW
The first phase of outpatient treatment is a program of intensive group work and education. Treatment sessions are scheduled at various times throughout the week and held at either 616 East 16th Ave., or 2133 Centennial Plaza, Eugene. The Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program is 10 weeks in length.
The second phase of treatment is called Recovery Support. This program provides a weekly 1 1/2 hour therapy group for you and your spouse or significant other. In Recovery Support you learn to identify and manage stressful life events and to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of early recovery.
Recovery is one day at a time. It involves a personal daily recovery program which is developed by you and your counselors.
You meet with an admissions specialist to discuss your personal history and to determine an appropriate level of care. This takes a 1 to 1 1/2 hour appointment.
Our business office staff will discuss costs of treatment and insurance coverage with you. This may be done at the time of the intake interview, or a separate appointment can be arranged for your convenience. Payment plans are available.
You meet with your counselor for an orientation to outpatient treatment. At this time the program is explained, you receive a packet of materials, and complete all necessary paperwork. This requires a 1/2 to 1 hour appointment.
An important part of recovery from addiction and codependency is "12-step program" involvement. Patients are expected to attend two A.A. or N.A. meetings per week. Family members are encouraged to attend Al-Anon or Nar-Anon.
Your spouse/significant other is encouraged to attend a weekly family education seminar. Serenity Lane offers a comprehensive fee-for-service family program. For additional information speak with your counselor.
Phase 1: Intensive Program
Most group sessions begin with an educational program, generally a presentation or film. There will be a short break after the presentation.
The remainder of the treatment session consists of working on recovery issues in small groups. Topics in group include: acceptance of self as alcoholic/addict, your recovery plan, relapse prevention, adjustment to a sober lifestyle, and other individual issues.
As treatment progresses, some concerns may surface that are best dealt with privately. Issues such as guidance in doing a first step, developing a recovery plan, problems interfering with treatment, and other personal issues can be discussed with your counselor in an individual session. Patients are encouraged to make an appointment to see their counselor as needed.
Approximately mid-treatment, patients will present an autobiography of how alcoholism/other drug addiction has affected their lives. This is one of the most important segments of the treatment process.
During treatment you may be asked to submit a urine sample for drug/alcohol testing. This is one way we monitor your progress in treatment and ensure a safe, alcohol/drug free environment for recovery. This is NOT included in the cost of treatment. However, your insurance may cover a percentage of the charge.
Toward the end of the intensive phase of treatment you meet with your counselor to sign-up for Recovery Support, review your treatment goals, recovery plan, and deal with questions or concerns you may have. At this time, referrals may be made for ongoing community services, such as individual or marriage counseling.
Phase 2: Recovery Support
Recovery Support is the second phase of treatment. It is a weekly 1 1/2 hour support group designed for you and your spouse/significant other to learn to cope with the ups and downs of early recovery. Recovery Support is available for up to 88 weeks.
