CODA - Portland Recovery Center
Leading the way in excellence in behavioral healthcare services
CODA is a behavioral healthcare agency. Our mission is to significantly reduce alcohol and drug problems and related social, health and behavioral consequences. When people come to us with alcohol or drug-related problems, they are often at a crisis point. They may be physically and emotionally ill; their relationships, financial situation and work lives can be dysfunctional. They may be in trouble with the law, without homes, or lacking other things basic to making their way in the world. At CODA we work with women, men and families as they take on all of these challenges. We provide the support and treatment needed for them to reduce and eliminate their alcohol and drug use; reconcile with family and friends; find employment, and take a place in the larger community.
CODA has been building stronger families, safer neighborhoods, and healthier communities since 1969 through comprehensive behavioral-treatment options for people in need of substance-abuse or mental health services. In 2005, CODA expanded its mission to include treatment services for those struggling with severe and persistent mental illness.
Portland Recovery Center
1030 NE Couch St
Portland OR 97214
Tel: 503 239-8400
Fax: 503 239-8407
Mission Statement:
CODA’s mission is to significantly reduce mental health, alcohol and drug problems and their social, health, and behavioral consequences through use of evidence-based practices, partnerships with other social and health care providers and advocacy for effective public policy.
Vision Statement:
We envision a community in which alcohol and drug problems are recognized as a public health issue that is both preventable and treatable.
We envision a society in which people with histories of mental health, alcohol and drug problems; people in recovery, and people at risk for these problems are valued and treated with dignity and respect; and where stigma, prejudices, discrimination and other barriers to prevention and treatment are eliminated.
We envision a society in which high-quality services for prevention and treatment are widely available.
